IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018)
The application of Environmental Friendly Technique for Seagrass Transplantation
Riniatsih I., Hartati R., Endrawati H., Mahendrajaya R., Redjeki S., Widianingsih W.
Many attempts have been made to solve tremendous seagrass losses the marine environment in many area in the world. Artificial transplanting of shoots and spreading of seeds from intact meadows to non-vegetated coastal sediment are the most applied techniques. The study was aimed to apply environmentally seagrass tranplantation techniques in less vegetated area. Frame and small tube made from bamboo were used to do seagrass tranplantation in Jepara Waters. Vegetative shoots (springs) of Enhalus acoroides dan Cymodocea serrulata were collected from a healthy donor bed located nearby the transplantation site, and planted into unvegetated areas. Test transplant survival was assessed every month for three months. The result revealed that the survival rates of transplants were varied with the area. It might have due to difference in sediment characteristics of transplanting sites and transplant technique are discussed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Keyword: bamboo; seagrass; tranplant technique; transplantation