IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 564,1 (2020)
The allometric growth and condition index comparison of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) from fishpond and juata laut waters, Tarakan (Indonesia)
Salim G., Indarjo A., Zein M., Yudho Prakoso L., Suhirwan, Achmad Daengs G.S., Rukisah
This research aims to analyze the allometric growth and condition index of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) from fishpond and Juata Laut waters, Tarakan (Indonesia). The study was conducted for 3 months, from January to March 2020. The objective method was descriptive quantitative with a case study approach. The determination of the research area by using purposive sampling from fishpond and the catches of trawl fishermen from Juata Laut waters, Tarakan (Indonesia). A sampling of white shrimp (L.vannamei) used survey methods in those two locations. The data collection was done by using a laboratory scale in the Biology Laboratory of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Borneo Tarakan. The data instead of sex, total length, carapace length, and the total weight of white shrimp (L.vannamei). The research variables were sex ratio, allometric growth, and condition index of the male and female white shrimp (L.vannamei). The results study showed that white shrimp (L.vannamei) from ponds had a sex ratio for males and females of 1:3 with a percentage of males by 25% and females by 75%. The allometric growth, length, and total weight for both of sex were negative, condition index with a thinner body was not found for male and 1,9% for females; thin body shape was 50% and 53.7%; ideal body shape was 5.6% while females were not found; the fat body was 44.4% and 40.7%; the fatter body for male was not found and females by 3.7%. The results from Juata Laut waters obtained the sex ratio for males and females was 1.68:1 with the percentage of males was 62.71%, and females were 37.29%. The allometric growth like total length and a total weight of males and females was negative with condition index of males and females for thin body shapes were 48.6% and 45.5%; ideal body shape were 2.7% and 9.1%; fat body shape was 45.9% and 45.5%; fatter body shape was 2.7%, respectively and females were not found. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.