IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018)
Safely Intake Number of Macridiscus sp. (Kerang Ceplos) from Tambak Lorok Waters, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Tielman E.M., Suprijanto J., Widowati I.
The dynamics pollution that supposed to be derived from industrial activities around Tambak Lorok waters will affect the quality of waters, and also biota such as Macridiscus sp. mussels (Kerang Ceplos) that live and accumulate pollutants such as heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Al, Mn and Fe). However, Macridiscus sp. mussels which have been contaminated by heavy metals is usually sold for consumption by the people and if they consume it in excess, it will be toxic in the people’s body. So that, this study was to analyze Safely Intake Number of Macridiscus sp. from Tambak Lorok waters. This study used AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) method to analyze the accumulation number of the pollutant (Pb, Cu, Al, Mn and Fe). Safely Intake Number calculation is used MWI (Maximal Weekly Intake) and MTI (Maximal Tolerable Intake) calculation method. The results of AAS showed that the highest numbers of pollutant was Al (reached 534,51 mg/kg in the body of Macridiscus sp.That taken in February, 2016) and has exceeded the safely intake number (MWI Al = 1 mg/kg, based on WHO/FAO) so that it’s MTI values was low (0,08 kg/week/person). It means that Macridiscus sp. was not safe to be consumed excessively at that time. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Keyword: Ceplos; Macridiscus sp.; MWI-MTI; Pollution; Tambak Lorok