Journal of Marine Research, vol: 8,1 (2019)

Mapping of land suitability for seaweed cultivation in poteran island waters, sumenep regency, east java [Pemetaan kesesuaian lahan untuk budidaya rumput laut di perairan pulau poteran, kabupaten sumenep, jawa timur]

Ferdiansyah H.I., Pratikto I., Suryono


The territorial waters of Poteran Island are one of the areas located in Sumenep Regency, East Java. There are some problems in seaweed cultivation of Poteran Island, which are facilities, fishery infrastructure, limited human resources, financial, and institutional and the determination of the location of seaweed cultivation. The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology in the marine field can give new idea in land suitability for seaweed cultivation. The purpose of this research is to analyze the potential for seaweed cultivation in the waters of Poteran Island and know the effective land area for the development of seaweed cultivation in the waters of Poteran Island. The research method used is an exploratory method with a quantitative analysis approach to determine the level and extent of the suitability of seaweed cultivation in Poteran island waters. The results showed that the area for the very suitable category (S1) amounted to 7,335.59 hectare, while the corresponding category (S2) has an area of 17,990.11 hectare and the unsuitable category (S3) has an area of 24,665.28 hectare. Effective land area for the development of seaweed cultivation in the territorial waters of Poteran Island amounted to 4,401.35 hectare (60% of the area is very suitable) with the number of rafts operated by 785,955 units with a raft size of 7 x 8 m. © 2019, Yale University. All rights reserved.

Keyword: Geographic Information Systems; Poteran Island; Seaweed Cultivation


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