NEW! Marine Environment Lab
To improve the quality of students’ laboratory practical work, from the new semester of 2023, students of Marine Science Dept. will be able to use the Marine Environment Lab, located in the 2nd Floor of the new H-Building, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science. The facility includes 20 new microscope and 6 microscopes with camera, new table & chairs, storage, whiteboards, as well as equipment and tools for sediment and other water quality analysis.
Laboratory of Tropical Marine Biotechnology (TMB)
Tropical Marine Biotecnology is a laboratory at UNDIP’s Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Building J, 2nd Floor. There are Bacterial, Fungus, Compound, and Molecular Laboratories. The Tropical Marine Biotechnology Laboratory is fully equipped to facilitate students’ and lecturers’ study and research. Click here to download this lab SOP and Safety procedure.
TMB-Microbiology Laboratory
Microbiology Laboratory is one of the Tropical Marine Biotechnology laboratories that is used for any bacteria-related studies such as sterilization, isolation, incubation, sample preparation, and destruction. Laminar Air Flow, Incubator, Microscope, Shaker, Micropipette, Colony Counter, and other items are available in the Microbiology Laboratory. To reduce contamination, the Microbiology Laboratory has an Air Purifier that serves as an air sterilizer.

TMB-Fungi Laboratory
Fungi Laboratory is one of the Tropical Marine Biotechnology laboratories that is used for any fungal research such as sterilization, isolation, incubation, sample preparation, and destruction. The fungi laboratory is equipped with research instruments such as a Laminar Air Flow, Incubator, Microscope, Shaker, and other supplies. To reduce contamination, the mushroom laboratory is outfitted with an Air Purifier that acts as an air sterilizer.

TMB-Molecular Laboratory
The Molecular Laboratory is a unit of the Tropical Marine Biotechnology laboratory that is used for all molecular research such as DNA isolation, DNA amplification, molecular separation, and so forth. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Laminar Air Flow, Incubator, Electrophoresis, UV Doc, Micropipette, and other research instruments are available at the Molecular Laboratory.

TMB-Marine natural product Lab
Marine Natural Product Laboratory is a unit of the Tropical Marine Biotechnology Laboratory that is used for all research with Compound Solutions. The Compound Laboratory is equipped with research instruments such as a Rotary Evaporator, a Burette, and other materials. There are chemical treatments available to help students and and researchers in their study.

TMB-Preparation and Destruction Chamber
The Preparation and Destruction Chamber is a room at the Tropical Marine Biotechnology Laboratory used for sample preparation before entering each lab, such as media preparation, glassware preparation, sterilization, and so on. Glassware, Vortex, Magnetic Stirer, Media Refrigerator, Oven, Autoclave, and Stove are among the instruments available in the preparation room for sterilization and destruction. There are many types of bacterial and fungal culture medium in the preparation room that can be employed according to research needs.

E-Building: Marine Chemistry Lab
The Marine Chemistry Laboratory is located in Building E 1st floor, UNDIP Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. The Chemistry Laboratory is used in practicum and research activities by students, and equipped with various labware and tools such as: Burette, Glassware, Spectrophotometer, etc. This Laboratory is for common use with other study program, and facilitates testing of basic chemistry and analytical chemistry, including preparation of standard solutions, dissolving and weighing. While analytical chemistry includes volumetric and gravimetric analysis. Click here to download this lab SOP and safety procedure.

E Building: Marine Geology Lab
The Marine Geology Laboratory is located in Building E, 1st floor, UNDIP Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. The Geology Laboratory facilitates students in conducting research related to marine geological parameters. This Laboratory is equipped with tools such as: Dessicator, Furnace, membrane Filter Holder, Sediment Oven, Sheave Shaker etc. This laboratory is common used with other undergraduate program, and is used to support student lectures and practical lab works in Geology and Sedimentology courses. Please see the general Safety and Health Manual or ask our staffs before using this Lab.

E Building: Marine Biology Lab
The Marine Biology Laboratory is located in Building E, 1st floor, UNDIP Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. The Biology Laboratory facilitates students in conducting practical laboratory classes and research related to marine biology. This Laboratory is equipped with tools such as: microscopes, Monitor screens, cell-counters, water quality checkers, centrifuges, small aquariums, analytical balance, and glassware. This laboratory is used to support student lectures and practical lab works in subjects such as Marine Biology, Ecology, Marine invertebrates, etc.. Click here to download this lab’s SOP and safety procedure.
E Building: Marine Microbiology Lab
The Marine Microbiology Laboratory is located in Building E, 2nd floor, UNDIP Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. The Laboratory facilitates students in conducting practical laboratory classes and research related to marine microbiology and biotechnology. This Laboratory is equipped with tools such as: microscopes, Monitor screens, centrifuges, autoclaves, PCR thermocycler, refrigerator, Furnace, small aquariums, histo-embedder, Laminar airflow, etc. This laboratory is used to support student lectures and practical lab works in subjects such as Marine microbiology, Marine biotechnology, Bioremediation, etc. Click here to download this Lab’s SOP and safety procedure.
E Building: Computer Lab
Computer Laboratory is located in Building E, 2nd floor, UNDIP Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. The Laboratory facilitates students in conducting practical laboratory classes and research related to remote sensing and geographical information system, as well as stock assessment and quantitative bio-ecology. This Laboratory is in common use with other study program, and is equipped with personal computers, desks, chairs and licensed processing softwares. Please see the general Safety and Health Manual or ask our staffs before using this Lab.
Scientific Diving Lab Lab
Scientific Diving Laboratory is located in Building J, 1st floor, UNDIP Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. The Laboratory facilitates students in conducting practical SCUBA diving classes and underwater research. This Laboratory is equipped with SCUBA diving gears such as air compressor, SCUBA tanks, buoyancy compensator (BCDs), air regulators, boots, wetsuits, life jackets and underwater survey tools such as transects and camera. Please see the general Safety and Health Manual above or ask our staffs before using this Lab. Click here to download the SOP and safety procedure for this Lab.