Ilmu Kelautan
Retno Hartati
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Dr. Ir. Retno Hartati, M.Sc.
SEA RANCHING of Holothuria atra : Study on establishment of new ecosystem and its relation with their feeding ecology
Publikasi Jurnal
The abundance of prospective natural food for sea cucumber holothuria atra at karimunjawa island waters, Jepara, Indonesia
Biodiversitas, vol: 18,3 (2017) The abundance of prospective natural food for sea cucumber holothuria atra at karimunjawa island waters, Jepara, Indonesia Hartati R., Widianingsih, Trianto A., Zainuri M., Ambariyanto Abstract Hartati R, Widianingsih, Trianto A,...
Habitat characteristic of two selected locations for sea cucumber ranching purposes
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 55,1 (2017) Habitat characteristic of two selected locations for sea cucumber ranching purposes Hartati R., Trianto A., Widianingsih Abstract Sea cucumbers face heavily overfished because of their high...
Characteristic sediment and water column chlorophyll-a in the sea cucumber’s Paracaudina sp. habitat on the Kenjeran Water, Surabaya
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 139,1 (2018) Characteristic sediment and water column chlorophyll-a in the sea cucumber's Paracaudina sp. habitat on the Kenjeran Water, Surabaya Widianingsih W., Zaenuri M., Anggoro S., Kusumaningrum H.P.,...
Similarity microalgal epiphyte composition on seagrass of Enhalus acoroides and Thalasia hemprichii from different waters
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 139,1 (2018) Similarity microalgal epiphyte composition on seagrass of Enhalus acoroides and Thalasia hemprichii from different waters Hartati R., Zainuri M., Ambariyanto A., Widianingsih W., Trianto A.,...
Preliminary Study on Gonad Maturity Stages of the Sea Cucumber Paracaudina australis from Kenjeran Water, Surabaya, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Preliminary Study on Gonad Maturity Stages of the Sea Cucumber Paracaudina australis from Kenjeran Water, Surabaya, Indonesia Widianingsih W., Zaenuri M., Anggoro S., Kusumaningrum H.P., Hartati...
Initial assessment of Holothuria atra in Panjang island, Jepara, Indonesia
Ecology, Environment and Conservation, vol: 25, (2019) Initial assessment of Holothuria atra in Panjang island, Jepara, Indonesia Hartati R., Zainuri M., Ambariyanto A., Ayodya F.P., Widianingsih W., Mustagpirin M., Soegianto A. Abstract As key components in marine...
The Concentration of Chlorophyll-C in the Bottom Sediment of Sea Cucumber Rearing Cage
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) The Concentration of Chlorophyll-C in the Bottom Sediment of Sea Cucumber Rearing Cage Hartati R., Ambariyanto A., Zainuri M., Widianingsih W., Supriyo E., Trianto A. Abstract The total...
Morphological Ossicles of Sea Cucumber Paracaudina australis from Kenjeran Waters, Surabaya, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) Morphological Ossicles of Sea Cucumber Paracaudina australis from Kenjeran Waters, Surabaya, Indonesia Widianingsih W., Hartati R., Zainuri M., Anggoro S., Kusumaningrum H.P., Mahendrajaya R.T....
Co-existence between Scylla serrata and Scylla transquebarica in the lagoon of Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 530,1 (2020) Co-existence between Scylla serrata and Scylla transquebarica in the lagoon of Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Indonesia Redjeki S., Hartati R., Azizah Tri Nuraeni R., Riniatsih I., Endrawati H.,...
The morphological variance Polymesoda erosa and Polymesoda expansa (Mollusc; Corbiculidae) in the Laguna Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 530,1 (2020) The morphological variance Polymesoda erosa and Polymesoda expansa (Mollusc; Corbiculidae) in the Laguna Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Indonesia Widianingsih W., Hartati R., Azizah Tri Nuraeni R.,...
Diversity of brittle star and sea urchin (Echinoderm: Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea) of Krakal and Watu Kodok beach, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 530,1 (2020) Diversity of brittle star and sea urchin (Echinoderm: Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea) of Krakal and Watu Kodok beach, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta Tarigan R.S., Hartati R., Widowati I. Abstract Ophiuroidea...
Biotropia, vol: 28,2 (2021) SEA RANCHING OF Holothuria atra: STOCKING DENSITY AND TIME Hartati R., Ambariyanto, Zainuri M., Widianingsih Abstract Strong market demand, uncontrolled exploitation and/or the inadequate fisheries resource management have caused the...
Ranching of sea cucumber in Indonesia : A study case of Holothuria atra
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 777,1 (2021) Ranching of sea cucumber in Indonesia : A study case of Holothuria atra Hartati R., Zainuri M., Ambariyanto A., Widianingsih W., Mustagpirin, Panji F. Abstract Sea ranching is one of the...
Water quality in the ecosystem of sea cucumber Acaudina sp. In the Delta Wulan Waters, Central of Java, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 744,1 (2021) Water quality in the ecosystem of sea cucumber Acaudina sp. In the Delta Wulan Waters, Central of Java, Indonesia Widianingsih W., Nuraeni R.A.T., Hartati R., Endrawati H., Sugianto D.N.,...