Ilmu Kelautan
Jusup Suprijanto
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Dr. Ir. Jusup Suprijanto, DEA
Biomonitoring , Health Risk Assessment, Microplastic Pollution, Marine Pollution
Publikasi Jurnal
Seasonal and Non-Seasonal Generalized Pareto Distribution to Estimate Extreme Significant Wave Height in the Banda Sea
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Seasonal and Non-Seasonal Generalized Pareto Distribution to Estimate Extreme Significant Wave Height in the Banda Sea Nursamsiah, Sugianto D.N., Suprijanto J., Munasik, Yulianto B. Abstract The...
Antibacterial activity and proximate analysis of Sargassum extracts as cosmetic additives in a moisturizer cream
AACL Bioflux, vol: 12,5 (2019) Antibacterial activity and proximate analysis of Sargassum extracts as cosmetic additives in a moisturizer cream Widowati I., Suprijanto J., Trianto A., Puspita M., Bedoux G., Bourgougnon N. Abstract Indonesia is known for its marine...
The sediment distribution based on types of grain size in the Cirebon and Demak waters
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) The sediment distribution based on types of grain size in the Cirebon and Demak waters Nurkhasanah D., Ambariyanto, Suprijanto J., Pusparini N., Prasetyo B. Abstract Research on the sediment...
The Variability of Sea Surface Height Anomaly in the Seas Along the Northern and Southern Coast of Java Island
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) The Variability of Sea Surface Height Anomaly in the Seas Along the Northern and Southern Coast of Java Island Khasanah U.N., Suprijanto J., Wirasatriya A. Abstract The dynamics coastal in...
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