ilmu kelautan
Ita Widiowati
Publikasi Jurnal
Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Laut dan Lingkungan Laut
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Dr. Ir. Ita Widowati, DEA
Tema Riset Terkini :
- Eco-biologi kerang laut, keanekaragaman hayati bivalvia laut,
- ekologi & analisis risiko kesehatan manusia dari bivalvia laut,
- valorisasi sumber daya hewan laut dan vegetal
Publikasi Jurnal
Total phenolic content and biological activities of enzymatic extracts from Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt
Journal of Applied Phycology, vol: 29,5 (2017) Total phenolic content and biological activities of enzymatic extracts from Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt Puspita M., Déniel M., Widowati I., Radjasa O.K., Douzenel P., Marty C., Vandanjon L., Bedoux G., Bourgougnon...
Safely Intake Number of Macridiscus sp. (Kerang Ceplos) from Tambak Lorok Waters, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Safely Intake Number of Macridiscus sp. (Kerang Ceplos) from Tambak Lorok Waters, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia Tielman E.M., Suprijanto J., Widowati I. Abstract The dynamics pollution that...
Seasonal biomass and alginate stock assessment of three abundant genera of brown macroalgae using multispectral high resolution satellite remote sensing: A case study at Ekas Bay (Lombok, Indonesia)
Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol: 131, (2018) Seasonal biomass and alginate stock assessment of three abundant genera of brown macroalgae using multispectral high resolution satellite remote sensing: A case study at Ekas Bay (Lombok, Indonesia) Setyawidati N.A.R.,...
Antibacterial activity and proximate analysis of Sargassum extracts as cosmetic additives in a moisturizer cream
AACL Bioflux, vol: 12,5 (2019) Antibacterial activity and proximate analysis of Sargassum extracts as cosmetic additives in a moisturizer cream Widowati I., Suprijanto J., Trianto A., Puspita M., Bedoux G., Bourgougnon N. Abstract Indonesia is known for its marine...
Haslea nusantara (bacillariophyceae), a new blue diatom from the Java Sea, Indonesia: Morphology, biometry and molecular characterization
Plant Ecology and Evolution, vol: 152,2 (2019) Haslea nusantara (bacillariophyceae), a new blue diatom from the Java Sea, Indonesia: Morphology, biometry and molecular characterization Prasetiya F.S., Gastineau R., Poulin M., Lemieux C., Turmel M., Syakti A.D.,...
Domestication of red seaweed (Gelidium latifolium) in different culture media
Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, vol: 25,1 (2020) Domestication of red seaweed (Gelidium latifolium) in different culture media Wijayanto A., Widowati I., Winanto T. Abstract Gelidium latifolium is one of red seaweed types potentially can be...
Genotoxicity in the rivers from the Brantas catchment (East Java, Indonesia): occurrence in sediments and effects in Oreochromis niloticus (Linnæus 1758)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol: 27,17 (2020) Genotoxicity in the rivers from the Brantas catchment (East Java, Indonesia): occurrence in sediments and effects in Oreochromis niloticus (Linnæus 1758) Risjani Y., Loppion G., Couteau J., Yunianta Y.,...
Impact of anthropogenic activity and lusi-mud volcano on fish biodiversity at the Brantas Delta, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 493,1 (2020) Impact of anthropogenic activity and lusi-mud volcano on fish biodiversity at the Brantas Delta, Indonesia Risjani Y., Santoso D.R., Couteau J., Hermawati A., Widowati I., Minier C. Abstract...
Bioconcentration of lead (Pb) and cadmium (cd) in green-lipped mussels (perna viridis) in the coastal waters of semarang bay, indonesia
AACL Bioflux, vol: 14,3 (2021) Bioconcentration of lead (Pb) and cadmium (cd) in green-lipped mussels (perna viridis) in the coastal waters of semarang bay, indonesia Haeruddin, Widowati I., Rahman A., Rumanti M., Iryanthony S.B. Abstract The utilization of the...
Emerging contaminants detected in aquaculture sites in Java, Indonesia
Science of the Total Environment, vol: 773, (2021) Emerging contaminants detected in aquaculture sites in Java, Indonesia Hidayati N.V., Syakti A.D., Asia L., Lebarillier S., Khabouchi I., Widowati I., Sabdono A., Piram A., Doumenq P. Abstract Pharmaceuticals of...
Improvement of the potency of microalgae Nannochloropsis and Chaetoceros through antioxidant analysis and optimization of DNA isolation
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol: 1943,1 (2021) Improvement of the potency of microalgae Nannochloropsis and Chaetoceros through antioxidant analysis and optimization of DNA isolation Zulkarnain M.I., Rahayu H.T., Herida A.P., Erfianti T., Kusumaningrum...
Mempunyai ketetapan, tidak tergoyahkan, berisi dengan berilmu pengetahuan, hingga yakin dengan seyakin-yakinnya bahwa apa yang dilakukannya adalah benar dan baik.
– Ki Hajar Dewantara
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