ilmu kelautan
Diah Permata Wijayanti
Publikasi Jurnal
Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Laut
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Prof. Dr. Ir. Diah Permata Wijayanti, M.Sc.
Tema Riset Terkini :
- Memiliki pengalaman selama 25 tahun dalam bidang penelitian biologi laut, khususnya karang.
- Saat ini sedang meneliti mikroplastik pada aktivitas reproduksi spesies karang,
- keanekaragaman genetik zooxanthellae sepanjang perairan Laut Jawa,
- Patobiologi penyakit karang,
- Transplantasi karang di kawasan berlumpur,
- Beberapa penelitian mengenai stock assessment krustasea (kepiting bakau dan udang) dan ikan demersal
Publikasi Jurnal
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Anti-Pathogenic Activity of Coral Bacteria Againts White Plaque Disease of Coral Dipsastraea from Tengah Island, Karimunjawa
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Anti-Pathogenic Activity of Coral Bacteria Againts White Plaque Disease of Coral Dipsastraea from Tengah Island, Karimunjawa Muchlissin S.I., Sabdono A., Permata W.D. Abstract Coral disease is...
Molecular Identification and Genetic Diversity of Acropora hyacinthus from Boo and Deer Island, Raja Ampat, West Papua
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Molecular Identification and Genetic Diversity of Acropora hyacinthus from Boo and Deer Island, Raja Ampat, West Papua Wijayanti D.P., Indrayanti E., Nuryadi H., Dewi R.A., Sabdono A. Abstract...
Variabilities of the sea level anomalies in the upstream areas of the Kuroshio Current
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 162,1 (2018) Variabilities of the sea level anomalies in the upstream areas of the Kuroshio Current Wijaya Y.J., Sugitani S., Sugianto D.N., Wijayanti D.P., Hisaki Y. Abstract The relationship between The...
Short communication: Genetic diversity of scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) landed in muncar fishing port, Banyuwangi
Biodiversitas, vol: 20,4 (2019) Short communication: Genetic diversity of scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) landed in muncar fishing port, Banyuwangi Alghozali F.A., Wijayanti D.P., Sabdono A. Abstract The majority of sharks caught in Indonesian fisheries...
Antagonistic activity of bacteria isolated from coral Acropora sp of Karimunjawa islands, Indonesia against acroporid white syndrome
Biodiversitas, vol: 20,5 (2019) Antagonistic activity of bacteria isolated from coral Acropora sp of Karimunjawa islands, Indonesia against acroporid white syndrome Sabdono A., Trianto A., Radjasa O.K., Wijayanti D.P. Abstract Acroporid White Syndrome (AWS) disease,...
Growth, Mortality and Exploitation Rate of Spiny Lobster ( Panulirus Homarus) from Kebumen and Cilacap Coastal
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) Growth, Mortality and Exploitation Rate of Spiny Lobster ( Panulirus Homarus) from Kebumen and Cilacap Coastal Irwani, Sabdono A., Wijayanti D.P. Abstract The southern coast of Java, including...
Coral transplantation on a multilevel substrate of artificial patch reefs: Effect of fixing methods on the growth rate of two acropora species
Biodiversitas, vol: 21,5 (2020) Coral transplantation on a multilevel substrate of artificial patch reefs: Effect of fixing methods on the growth rate of two acropora species Munasik, Sabdono A., Assyfa A.N., Wijayanti D.P., Sugiyanto, Irwani, Pribadi R. Abstract...
Cryptic species from biodiversity hotspot: Estimation of decapoda on dead coral head pocillopora in Raja ampat papua
Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, vol: 25,1 (2020) Cryptic species from biodiversity hotspot: Estimation of decapoda on dead coral head pocillopora in Raja ampat papua Kurniasih E.M., Sembiring A., Pertiwi N.P.D., Anggoro A.W., Cahyani N.K.D.,...
Screening of Extracellular Enzyme from Phaeophyceae-Associated Fungi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 750,1 (2021) Screening of Extracellular Enzyme from Phaeophyceae-Associated Fungi Ayuningtyas E.P., Sibero M.T., Hutapea N.E.B., Frederick E.H., Murwani R., Zilda D.S., Wijayanti D.P., Sabdono A.,...
Seaweed-Associated Fungi from Sepanjang Beach, GunungKidul, Yogyakarta as Potential Source of Marine Polysaccharides-Degrading Enzymes
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 750,1 (2021) Seaweed-Associated Fungi from Sepanjang Beach, GunungKidul, Yogyakarta as Potential Source of Marine Polysaccharides-Degrading Enzymes Hutapea N.E.B., Sibero M.T., Ayuningtyas E.P., Frederick...
Chlorophyll fluorescence A tool to assess photosynthetic performance and stress photophysiology in symbiotic marine invertebrates and seaplants
Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol: 165, (2021) Chlorophyll fluorescence A tool to assess photosynthetic performance and stress photophysiology in symbiotic marine invertebrates and seaplants Bhagooli R., Mattan-Moorgawa S., Kaullysing D., Louis Y.D., Gopeechund A.,...
Mempunyai ketetapan, tidak tergoyahkan, berisi dengan berilmu pengetahuan, hingga yakin dengan seyakin-yakinnya bahwa apa yang dilakukannya adalah benar dan baik.
– Ki Hajar Dewantara
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