ilmu kelautan
Delianis Pringgenies
Publikasi Jurnal
Bidang Penelitian : Bioteknologi Laut
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Prof. Dr. Ir. Delianis Pringgenies, M.Sc.
Tema Riset Terkini :
- Bioprospeksi Sumberdaya Laut,
- Mikrobiologi dan Bioteknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan,
- Bahan Hayati Laut
Publikasi Jurnal
Determination and Radiocarbon Dating of Marine Mollusc Fossils in Ancient Sea Shelf of Central Java Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 55,1 (2017) Determination and Radiocarbon Dating of Marine Mollusc Fossils in Ancient Sea Shelf of Central Java Indonesia Aisyah S., Pringgenies D., Hartoko A., Sumantyo J.T.S., Matsuzaki H. Abstract Mollusc...
The Application of Ozone and Chitosan as Microbial Inhibitor Prawn Larvae Rearing
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 55,1 (2017) The Application of Ozone and Chitosan as Microbial Inhibitor Prawn Larvae Rearing Pringgenies D., Nur M., Angelia R. Abstract The application of ozon and chitosan solution was found to be...
Molecular identification of marine symbiont bacteria of gastropods from the waters of the Krakal coast Yogyakarta and its potential as a Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) antibacterial agent
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol: 1803, (2017) Molecular identification of marine symbiont bacteria of gastropods from the waters of the Krakal coast Yogyakarta and its potential as a Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) antibacterial agent Bahry M.S., Pringgenies D., Trianto A....
Exploration of Sea Cucumbers Stichopus hermanii from Karimunjawa Islands as Production of Marine Biological Resources
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Exploration of Sea Cucumbers Stichopus hermanii from Karimunjawa Islands as Production of Marine Biological Resources Pringgenies D., Rudiyanti S., Yudiati E. Abstract This research aim was to...
Preliminary investigation of the carotenoid Composition of Erythrobacter sp. Strain KJ5 by high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry
Philippine Journal of Science, vol: 147,1 (2018) Preliminary investigation of the carotenoid Composition of Erythrobacter sp. Strain KJ5 by high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry Juliadiningtyas A.D., Pringgenies D., Heriyanto, Salim K.P.,...
Accelerating the Physilogical Properties of Sodium Alginate Paste by Thermal Method and Microwave Irradiation
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) Accelerating the Physilogical Properties of Sodium Alginate Paste by Thermal Method and Microwave Irradiation Yudiati E., Djarod M.S.R., Pringgenies D., Susilo E.S. Abstract Breaking down the...
Analysis of ?-cryptoxanthin from yellow pigmented marine bacterium Erythrobacter sp. kj5
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) Analysis of ?-cryptoxanthin from yellow pigmented marine bacterium Erythrobacter sp. kj5 Setiyono E., Brotosudarmo T.H.P., Pringgenies D., Heriyanto, Prihastyanti M.N.U., Shioi Y. Abstract The...
Genetic heterogeneity of proteolytic bacteria isolated from sediments mangrove areas based on repetitive sequence-based polymerase chain reaction and 16S-rRNA gene sequences
Biodiversitas, vol: 20,11 (2019) Genetic heterogeneity of proteolytic bacteria isolated from sediments mangrove areas based on repetitive sequence-based polymerase chain reaction and 16S-rRNA gene sequences Setyati W.A., Martani E., Triyanto, Zainuddin M., Puspita M.,...
Multidrug-resistant antibacterial activity and active compound analysis several types of seaweed from Karimunjawa, Jepara
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 530,1 (2020) Multidrug-resistant antibacterial activity and active compound analysis several types of seaweed from Karimunjawa, Jepara Susanto A.B., Ari Setyati W., Pramesti R., Pringgenies D., Zainuddin M....
Characteristics of bioactive compounds of Holothuria atra (Jaeger, 1833) associated bacteria
AACL Bioflux, vol: 13,4 (2020) Characteristics of bioactive compounds of Holothuria atra (Jaeger, 1833) associated bacteria Santosa G.W., Djunaedi A., Susanto A.B., Pringgenies D., Ariyanto D. Abstract Sea cucumbers have bioactive compounds with health benefits. These...
Symbiotic microbes from various seaweeds with antimicrobial and fermentative properties
AACL Bioflux, vol: 13,4 (2020) Symbiotic microbes from various seaweeds with antimicrobial and fermentative properties Pringgenies D., Retnowati E.I., Ariyanto D., Dewi K., Viharyo M.A.S., Susilowati R. Abstract Symbiotic organisms are viable sources of bioactive...
Application of a consortium of bacterial symbionts, contained in the sea cucumbers stomach, as dietary adjuvant and its potential for marine cultivation
AACL Bioflux, vol: 14,4 (2021) Application of a consortium of bacterial symbionts, contained in the sea cucumbers stomach, as dietary adjuvant and its potential for marine cultivation Djunaedi A., Santosa G.W., Susanto A.B., Pringgenies D., Ariyanto D. Abstract The...
Presence of biosynthetic gene clusters (NRPS/PKS) in actinomycetes of mangrove sediment in Semarang and Karimunjawa, Indonesia
Environment and Natural Resources Journal, vol: 19,5 (2021) Presence of biosynthetic gene clusters (NRPS/PKS) in actinomycetes of mangrove sediment in Semarang and Karimunjawa, Indonesia Anggelina A.C., Pringgenies D., Setyati W.A. Abstract Actinomycetes are a group...
Study of Anadara ferruginea (Reeve, 1844) as a source of antibacterial agents against pathogenic bacteria
Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin, vol: 78, (2021) Study of Anadara ferruginea (Reeve, 1844) as a source of antibacterial agents against pathogenic bacteria Pringgenies D., Efendi R., Suprihadi A., Simonsen V. Abstract The development of multi-drug...
Mempunyai ketetapan, tidak tergoyahkan, berisi dengan berilmu pengetahuan, hingga yakin dengan seyakin-yakinnya bahwa apa yang dilakukannya adalah benar dan baik.
– Ki Hajar Dewantara
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