ilmu kelautan
Publikasi Jurnal
Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Laut
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc.
Tema Riset Terkini :
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Publikasi Jurnal
Conserving endangered marine organisms: Causes, trends and challenges
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 55,1 (2017) Conserving endangered marine organisms: Causes, trends and challenges Ambariyanto Abstract Increasing demand for marine resources in recent decades for human needs has led to intensified...
Mangrove health index as part of sustainable management in Mangrove ecosystem at Karimunjawa national marine park Indonesia
Advanced Science Letters, vol: 23,4 (2017) Mangrove health index as part of sustainable management in Mangrove ecosystem at Karimunjawa national marine park Indonesia Prasetya J.D., Ambariyanto, Supriharyono, Purwanti F. Abstract Background: Monitoring the health of...
Antibacterial activity of mangrove avicennia marina leaves extract against Virgibacillus marismortui and micrococcus luteus bacteria
AACL Bioflux, vol: 10,2 (2017) Antibacterial activity of mangrove avicennia marina leaves extract against Virgibacillus marismortui and micrococcus luteus bacteria Ulmursida A., Ambariyanto A., Trianto A. Abstract Sources of bioactive compounds are widely found in...
Risk Analysis of Coastal Disaster of Semarang City, Indonesia
E3S Web of Conferences, vol: 31, (2018) Risk Analysis of Coastal Disaster of Semarang City, Indonesia Sunaryo S., Ambariyanto A., Sugianto D.N., Helmi M., Kaimuddin A.H., Indarjo A. Abstract Coastal areas are highly vulnerable to disasters, as they are affected by...
Community Structure of Coral Reefs in Saebus Island, Sumenep District, East Java
E3S Web of Conferences, vol: 31, (2018) Community Structure of Coral Reefs in Saebus Island, Sumenep District, East Java Rizmaadi M., Riter J., Fatimah S., Rifaldi R., Yoga A., Ramadhan F., Ambariyanto A. Abstract Increasing degradation coral reefs ecosystem has...
Effectiveness and efficiency of the red seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa as biofilter in Pb absorption in seawater
AACL Bioflux, vol: 11,3 (2018) Effectiveness and efficiency of the red seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa as biofilter in Pb absorption in seawater Supriyantini E., Soenardjo N., Santosa G.W., Ridlo A., Sedjati S., Ambariyanto A. Abstract Waste, containing heavy metals from...
Zinc content in water, sediment, and soft tissue of green mussel Perna viridis in Demak, Indonesia
AACL Bioflux, vol: 12,1 (2019) Zinc content in water, sediment, and soft tissue of green mussel Perna viridis in Demak, Indonesia Afandi M.F., Widowati I., Ambariyanto A. Abstract Coastal region of Demak is an important area for fishermen, for mussel fishing, mainly...
Threat of small scale capture fisheries on the fish biodiversity in seagrass beds of bontang, east kalimantan, indonesia
AACL Bioflux, vol: 12,6 (2019) Threat of small scale capture fisheries on the fish biodiversity in seagrass beds of bontang, east kalimantan, indonesia Irawan A., Supriharyono, Hutabarat J., Ambariyanto A. Abstract Small-scale fishing (SSF) activities have a...
Composition of brachyura cryptic organism (crustacea) on the dead coral of Pocillopora in Sabang
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 348,1 (2019) Composition of brachyura cryptic organism (crustacea) on the dead coral of Pocillopora in Sabang Ulfah M., Tawakkal M., Devira C.N., Nurfadillah N., Mellisa S., Sembiring A., Kurniasih...
Cryptic species from biodiversity hotspot: Estimation of decapoda on dead coral head pocillopora in Raja ampat papua
Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, vol: 25,1 (2020) Cryptic species from biodiversity hotspot: Estimation of decapoda on dead coral head pocillopora in Raja ampat papua Kurniasih E.M., Sembiring A., Pertiwi N.P.D., Anggoro A.W., Cahyani N.K.D.,...
Fish larva distribution and profusion in Mangunharjo and Timbulsloko mangrove ecosystem
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 429,1 (2020) Fish larva distribution and profusion in Mangunharjo and Timbulsloko mangrove ecosystem Kurniawan N.A., Ambariyanto, Suprijanto J. Abstract Mangrove area as nursery grounds for the fish larvae...
Density and population growth of the black sea cucumber, Holothuria (Halodeima) atra (Jaeger, 1833) in two different microhabitats of Jepara Waters, Indonesia
Ecology, Environment and Conservation, vol: 26,3 (2020) Density and population growth of the black sea cucumber, Holothuria (Halodeima) atra (Jaeger, 1833) in two different microhabitats of Jepara Waters, Indonesia Hartati R., Zainuri M., Ambariyanto A., Riniatsih I.,...
Biotropia, vol: 28,2 (2021) SEA RANCHING OF Holothuria atra: STOCKING DENSITY AND TIME Hartati R., Ambariyanto, Zainuri M., Widianingsih Abstract Strong market demand, uncontrolled exploitation and/or the inadequate fisheries resource management have caused the...
Ranching of sea cucumber in Indonesia : A study case of Holothuria atra
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 777,1 (2021) Ranching of sea cucumber in Indonesia : A study case of Holothuria atra Hartati R., Zainuri M., Ambariyanto A., Widianingsih W., Mustagpirin, Panji F. Abstract Sea ranching is one of the...
Mempunyai ketetapan, tidak tergoyahkan, berisi dengan berilmu pengetahuan, hingga yakin dengan seyakin-yakinnya bahwa apa yang dilakukannya adalah benar dan baik.
– Ki Hajar Dewantara
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