ilmu kelautan
Agus Trianto
Publikasi Jurnal
Bidang Penelitian : Bioteknologi Laut dan Ekologi Kimia
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Dr. Agus Trianto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Tema Riset Terkini :
- Exploration of bioactive compounds from marine ecosystem.
- Ecological assessment of fishes farming impact
- Utilization of fungal isolate for improving the aquaculture production.
Publikasi Jurnal
Isolation, Identification and Screening Antibacterial Activity from Marine Sponge-Associated Fungi Against Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) Escherichia coli
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 55,1 (2017) Isolation, Identification and Screening Antibacterial Activity from Marine Sponge-Associated Fungi Against Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) Escherichia coli Sibero M.T., Sabdaningsih A., Cristianawati...
Exploration of Fungal Association from Hard Coral Against Pathogen MDR Staphylococcus haemolyticus
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 55,1 (2017) Exploration of Fungal Association from Hard Coral Against Pathogen MDR Staphylococcus haemolyticus Cristianawati O., Radjasa O.K., Sabdono A., Trianto A., Sabdaningsih A., Sibero M.T., Nuryadi H....
Isolation, Characterisation and Antagonistic Activity of Bacteria Symbionts Hardcoral Pavona sp. Isolated from Panjang Island, Jepara Against Infectious Multi-drug Resistant (MDR) Bacteria
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 55,1 (2017) Isolation, Characterisation and Antagonistic Activity of Bacteria Symbionts Hardcoral Pavona sp. Isolated from Panjang Island, Jepara Against Infectious Multi-drug Resistant (MDR) Bacteria...
Identification Sponges-Associated Fungi from Karimunjawa National Park
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Identification Sponges-Associated Fungi from Karimunjawa National Park Trianto A., Sabdono A., Rochaddi B., Triningsih D.W., Zilda D.S. Abstract Marine sponges are rich sources of bioactive...
Antibacterial Activity Symbiotic Fungi of Marine Sponge Axinella sp., Aspergillus Sydowii on Four Growth Medium
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Antibacterial Activity Symbiotic Fungi of Marine Sponge Axinella sp., Aspergillus Sydowii on Four Growth Medium Widyaningsih S., Trianto A., Radjasa O.K., Wittriansyah K. Abstract Many...
Foreword from the chair of the 3RD ictcred 2017
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Foreword from the chair of the 3RD ictcred 2017 Trianto A. Abstract [No abstract available] Keyword: DOI
Anti MDR acinetobacter baumannii of the sponges-associated fungi from Karimunjawa national park
AACL Bioflux, vol: 12,5 (2019) Anti MDR acinetobacter baumannii of the sponges-associated fungi from Karimunjawa national park Sabdaningsih A., Cristianawati O., Sibero M.T., Aini M., Radjasa O.K., Sabdono A., Trianto A. Abstract Marine environment is an enormous...
Antagonistic activity of bacteria isolated from coral Acropora sp of Karimunjawa islands, Indonesia against acroporid white syndrome
Biodiversitas, vol: 20,5 (2019) Antagonistic activity of bacteria isolated from coral Acropora sp of Karimunjawa islands, Indonesia against acroporid white syndrome Sabdono A., Trianto A., Radjasa O.K., Wijayanti D.P. Abstract Acroporid White Syndrome (AWS) disease,...
The Concentration of Chlorophyll-C in the Bottom Sediment of Sea Cucumber Rearing Cage
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) The Concentration of Chlorophyll-C in the Bottom Sediment of Sea Cucumber Rearing Cage Hartati R., Ambariyanto A., Zainuri M., Widianingsih W., Supriyo E., Trianto A. Abstract The total...
Bioactivity of compounds secreted by symbiont bacteria of Nudibranchs from Indonesia
PeerJ, vol: 2020,1 (2020) Bioactivity of compounds secreted by symbiont bacteria of Nudibranchs from Indonesia Kristiana R., Bedoux G., Pals G., Wayan Mudianta I., Taupin L., Marty C., Asagabaldan M.A., Ayuningrum D., Trianto A., Bourgougnon N., Radjasa O.K., Sabdono...
Ecological study and preliminary culture of the sponge Candidaspongia a source of anticancer molecules
AACL Bioflux, vol: 13,1 (2020) Ecological study and preliminary culture of the sponge Candidaspongia a source of anticancer molecules Trianto A., Ambariyanto, Sarjito, Pramesti R., Soenarjo N., Hartati R., Taufiq-Spj N., Endrawati H., Destio, Yusidarta I. Abstract...
The use of different water volume to measure the growth and survival rates of anguilla bicolor caught from nusawungu riverines, Cilacap, Indonesia
AACL Bioflux, vol: 13,3 (2020) The use of different water volume to measure the growth and survival rates of anguilla bicolor caught from nusawungu riverines, Cilacap, Indonesia Taufiq-Spj N., Hutabarat J., Trianto A., Wirasatriya A., Indarjo A., Suryono S., Ario R.,...
Morphometric Distribution of Java Eel Anguilla sp. Caught from Different Estuaries of Central Java
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 750,1 (2021) Morphometric Distribution of Java Eel Anguilla sp. Caught from Different Estuaries of Central Java Taufiq-Spj N., Hutabarat J., Trianto A., Sugiyanto D.N., Santoso G.W., Pratikto I., Ario R.,...
Erratum: Morphometric distribution of Java eel Anguilla sp. Caught from different estuaries of Central Java (IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. (2020) 750 (012042) DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/750/1/012042)
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 750,1 (2021) Erratum: Morphometric distribution of Java eel Anguilla sp. Caught from different estuaries of Central Java (IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. (2020) 750 (012042) DOI:...
Potential of marine sponge-derived fungi in the aquaculture system
Biodiversitas, vol: 22,7 (2021) Potential of marine sponge-derived fungi in the aquaculture system Bahry M.S., Radjasa O.K., Trianto A. Abstract Bahry MS, Radjasa OK, Trianto A. 2021. Potential of marine sponge-derived fungi in the aquaculture system. Biodiversitas...
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– Ki Hajar Dewantara
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