ilmu kelautan
Agus Sabdono
Publikasi Jurnal
Bidang Penelitian : Bioteknologi Molekuler
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Prof. Dr. Ir. Agus Sabdono, M.Sc.
Tema Riset Terkini :
- Exploration of marine invertebrate’s microbial symbionts to fight against neglected tropical diseases
Publikasi Jurnal
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The UNDIP-UCSC campaign to culture chemically prolific gram-negative bacteria from Indonesian Jaspis sponges
Arkivoc, vol: 2018,4 (2018) The UNDIP-UCSC campaign to culture chemically prolific gram-negative bacteria from Indonesian Jaspis sponges McCauley E., Radjas O.K., Trianto A., Crews M.S., Smith A., Smith G.C., Zerebinski P., Sabdono A., Crews P. Abstract Indonesian...
Prospective Source of Antimicrobial Compounds from Pigment Produced by Bacteria associated with Brown Alga ( Phaeophyceae ) Isolated from Karimunjawa island, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Prospective Source of Antimicrobial Compounds from Pigment Produced by Bacteria associated with Brown Alga ( Phaeophyceae ) Isolated from Karimunjawa island, Indonesia Lunggani A.T., Darmanto...
Exploration culturable bacterial symbionts of sponges from ternate islands, Indonesia
Biodiversitas, vol: 20,3 (2019) Exploration culturable bacterial symbionts of sponges from ternate islands, Indonesia Trianto A., Radjasa O.K., Sabdono A., Muchlissin S.I., Afriyanto R., Sulistiowati, Radjasa S.K., Crews P., McCauley E. Abstract Multidrug resistance,...
Tunicate-associated bacteria show a great potential for the discovery of antimicrobial compounds
PLoS ONE, vol: 14,3 (2019) Tunicate-associated bacteria show a great potential for the discovery of antimicrobial compounds Ayuningrum D., Liu Y., Riyanti, Sibero M.T., Kristiana R., Asagabaldan M.A., Wuisan Z.G., Trianto A., Radjasa O.K., Sabdono A., Schäberle T.F....
Characterization of a yellow pigmented coral-associated bacterium exhibiting anti-Bacterial Activity Against Multidrug Resistant (MDR) Organism
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, vol: 45,1 (2019) Characterization of a yellow pigmented coral-associated bacterium exhibiting anti-Bacterial Activity Against Multidrug Resistant (MDR) Organism Sibero M.T., Bachtiarini T.U., Trianto A., Lupita A.H., Sari D.P.,...
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Preliminary Evaluation of Anti Fish Pathogenic Bacteria and Metabolite Profile of Andaliman Fruit (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) Ethanol Extract
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 750,1 (2021) Preliminary Evaluation of Anti Fish Pathogenic Bacteria and Metabolite Profile of Andaliman Fruit (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) Ethanol Extract Frederick E.H., Sibero M.T., Wijaya A.P.,...
Preliminary Screening of Carbohydrase-Producing Bacteria from Chaetomorpha sp. In Sepanjang Beach, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 750,1 (2021) Preliminary Screening of Carbohydrase-Producing Bacteria from Chaetomorpha sp. In Sepanjang Beach, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Wijaya A.P., Sibero M.T., Zilda D.S., Windiyana A.N., Wijayanto A.,...
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