oleh Admin_IK | Okt 18, 2021 | 2019,Ibnu Pratikto,id
Journal of Marine Research, vol: 8,1 (2019) Mapping of land suitability for seaweed cultivation in poteran island waters, sumenep regency, east java [Pemetaan kesesuaian lahan untuk budidaya rumput laut di perairan pulau poteran, kabupaten sumenep, jawa timur]...
oleh Admin_IK | Okt 18, 2021 | 2019,Ibnu Pratikto,id
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) The Use of Mannan-oligosaccharide (MOS) to the Growth and Survival Rate of Java Eel (Anguilla b. bicolor) Taufiq-Spj N., Trianto A., Wirasatriya A., Indarjo A., Suryono S., Pratikto I. Abstract...