oleh Admin_IK | Okt 12, 2021 | 2019,Bambang Yulianto,id
E3S Web of Conferences, vol: 125, (2019) Utilization of Fish Waste Processing as Compost Raw Material in Tambak Lorok Market Kusuma I.M., Syafrudin, Yulianto B. Abstract Fish waste needs to be a concern because the accumulation of fish waste will have environmental... oleh Admin_IK | Okt 12, 2021 | 2019,Bambang Yulianto,id
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 259,1 (2019) Heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) concentrations in edible bivalves harvested from Northern Coast of Central Java, Indonesia Yulianto B., Oetari P.S., Februhardi S., Putranto T.W.C., Soegianto A.... oleh Admin_IK | Okt 12, 2021 | 2019,Bambang Yulianto,id
Ecology, Environment and Conservation, vol: 25, (2019) Survival and growth of mud crab (Scylla serrata forsskål, 1775) reared in crab bucket recirculating aquaculture system Yulianto B., Sunaryo, Nur Taufiq S.P.J., Djunaedi A., Subagiyo, Santosa A., Soegianto A.... oleh Admin_IK | Okt 12, 2021 | 2019,Bambang Yulianto,id
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) Organic Matter Concentrations in Morosari River Estuary, Sayung, Demak, Central Java Supriyantini E., Yulianto B., Santoso A., Wulandari S.Y., Sedjati S., Soenardjo N., Ariananta D.F. Abstract... oleh Admin_IK | Okt 12, 2021 | 2019,Bambang Yulianto,id
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) Accumulation of Heavy Metals Pb, Cu, Zn in the Water and Sediment in Cirebon and Demak Nurkhasanah D., Ambariyanto, Suprijanto J., Yulianto B., Sunaryo, Pusparini N. Abstract Industrial activity...