Percentage cover, biomass, distribution, and potential habitat mapping of natural macroalgae, based on high-resolution satellite data and in situ monitoring, at Libukang Island, Malasoro Bay, Indonesia

Journal of Applied Phycology, vol: 30,1 (2018) Percentage cover, biomass, distribution, and potential habitat mapping of natural macroalgae, based on high-resolution satellite data and in situ monitoring, at Libukang Island, Malasoro Bay, Indonesia Setyawidati N.,...

Identification of agents causing vibriosis in litopenaeus vannamei shrimp culture in Kendal, Central Java, Indonesia and application of microalgae dunaliella salina and tetraselmis chui as bio-control agents against vibriosis

AACL Bioflux, vol: 11,1 (2018) Identification of agents causing vibriosis in litopenaeus vannamei shrimp culture in Kendal, Central Java, Indonesia and application of microalgae dunaliella salina and tetraselmis chui as bio-control agents against vibriosis Widowati...

Seasonal biomass and alginate stock assessment of three abundant genera of brown macroalgae using multispectral high resolution satellite remote sensing: A case study at Ekas Bay (Lombok, Indonesia)

Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol: 131, (2018) Seasonal biomass and alginate stock assessment of three abundant genera of brown macroalgae using multispectral high resolution satellite remote sensing: A case study at Ekas Bay (Lombok, Indonesia) Setyawidati N.A.R.,...
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