oleh Admin_IK | Okt 11, 2021 | 2018,Ambariyanto,id
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol: 1025,1 (2018) Sustainable development goals as the basis of university management towards global competitiveness Utama Y.J., Ambariyanto A., Zainuri M., Darsono D., Setyono B., Widowati, Putro S.P. Abstract Sustainable...
oleh Admin_IK | Okt 11, 2021 | 2018,Ambariyanto,id
Biodiversitas, vol: 19,3 (2018) Seagrass beds as the buffer zone for fish biodiversity in coastal water of Bontang city, east Kalimantan, Indonesia Irawan A., Supriharyono, Hutabarat J., Ambariyanto Abstract The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the importance...
oleh Admin_IK | Okt 11, 2021 | 2018,Ambariyanto,id
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 139,1 (2018) Similarity microalgal epiphyte composition on seagrass of Enhalus acoroides and Thalasia hemprichii from different waters Hartati R., Zainuri M., Ambariyanto A., Widianingsih W., Trianto A.,...
oleh Admin_IK | Okt 11, 2021 | 2018,Ambariyanto,id
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Community Structure of Decapod Inhabit Dead Coral Pocillopora sp. in Pemuteran, Bali Pertiwi N.P.D., Malik M.D.A., Kholilah N., Kurniasih E.M., Sembiring A., Anggoro A.W., Ambariyanto, Meyer C....
oleh Admin_IK | Okt 11, 2021 | 2018,Ambariyanto,id
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Hierarchical Synthesis of Coastal Ecosystem Health Indicators at Karimunjawa National Marine Park Prasetya J.D., Ambariyanto, Supriharyono, Purwanti F. Abstract The coastal ecosystem of...
oleh Admin_IK | Okt 11, 2021 | 2018,Ambariyanto,id
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018) Sex Diversity Approach of Spiny Lobster (Panulirus spp) to Marine Oil Spill Pollution in Southern Waters of Java Haryono F.E.D., Ambariyanto, Sulistyo I. Abstract Coastal of southern Java waters...