oleh Admin_IK | Okt 21, 2021 | 2017,Widianingsih,id
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 55,1 (2017) Proximate Content of “klekap” (Microphytobenthos and Their Associated Meiofauna) from Milk-Fish Pond Widianingsih, Zainuri M., Anggoro S., Kusumaningrum H.P. Abstract Microphytobentos...
oleh Admin_IK | Okt 21, 2021 | 2017,Widianingsih,id
Biodiversitas, vol: 18,3 (2017) The abundance of prospective natural food for sea cucumber holothuria atra at karimunjawa island waters, Jepara, Indonesia Hartati R., Widianingsih, Trianto A., Zainuri M., Ambariyanto Abstract Hartati R, Widianingsih, Trianto A,...
oleh Admin_IK | Okt 21, 2021 | 2017,Widianingsih,id
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 55,1 (2017) Habitat characteristic of two selected locations for sea cucumber ranching purposes Hartati R., Trianto A., Widianingsih Abstract Sea cucumbers face heavily overfished because of their high...