IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019)

Accumulation of Heavy Metals Pb, Cu, Zn in the Water and Sediment in Cirebon and Demak

Nurkhasanah D., Ambariyanto, Suprijanto J., Yulianto B., Sunaryo, Pusparini N.


Industrial activity in the northern coast of Java continues to increase in fulfilling the human needs, along with the increase of the population. The impact of this activity includes heavy metal wastes that flow into the sea. This research aims to explain the heavy metal content of Pb, Cu, Zn in the sediment and water. The research was conducted in January, February, and March 2017 in Cirebon and Demak waters. Examples of water and sediment were taken by purposive sampling method, at three observation points from each location. The water sample was taken directly using a polyethylene bottle at 1-10 cm water deep, meanwhile the sediment sample was taken using a plastic-coated shovel. Heavy metal analysis was performed using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) with the wavelength of Cu metal is 324,754 nm, Pb = 217,005 (nm) and Zn = 213,857 (nm). The results showed that the heavy metal content of Pb, Cu, Zn in water was below the quality standard. The average of heavy metal content of Pb, Cu, Zn in Cirebon water was 0.21 mg / l, 0.02 mg / l, 0.042 mg / l and in Demak was 0.119 mg / l, 0.02 mg / l, 0.044 mg / l. The average of heavy metal content of Pb, Cu, Zn in sediment in the Cirebon water was 12,49 mg/kg, 35,38 mg/kg, 57,31 mg/kg, and in the Demak water was 14,73 mg/kg, 24,21 mg/kg, 57, 89 mg/kg. The average Cu heavy metals in Cirebon and Demak waters had exceeded the ISQG of the CCME water quality index. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd.



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