Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, vol: 9,11 (2018)
The effectiveness of acupressure at LI 4 and SP 6 point on uterine contraction in the first stage of labor on primiparous women
Wardani C.K., Widyawati M.N., Suryono S.
Background: Maternal Mortality Rate is still dominated by causes such uterine contractions, prolonged labor. Cesarean section and labor induction are still an effort to prevent these complications. Meanwhile, these solutions have complications such as infection risk, hypertonic contraction, fetal trauma, etc. In this study, acupressure technique is one of the answers to increase uterine contractions so that cesarean section and labor induction can be avoided. Acupressure is a non-pharmacological, non-invasive uterine stimulation technique, which is simple, safe, effective, and without serious side effects. This study aims to analyze the increase of uterine contractions in the first stage of normal labor with acupressure treatment Method: This study is a randomized controlled trial on 39 primiparous mothers during the active phase of the first stage of normal labor were equally assigned to two intervention groups [acupressure on LI 4 (n = 13) or SP 6 (n = 13)] and a control group (n = 13). The intervention group received routine labor care and acupressure in LI 4 or SP 6 point bilaterally for 20 minutes; control group just received routine labor care. Results: There were significant differences between the three study groups at the frequency (p = 0.000), duration (p = 0.000) and interval of the uterine contraction (p = 0.000). After post hoc test, the mean of frequency, duration, and interval uterine contraction most significant increased between SP 6 and control group (p = 0.000). Conclusion: Acupressure on LI 4 and SP 6 point are effective in increasing uterine contraction compared with the control group with the most significant result in acupressure at SP 6 point. © 2018, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. All rights reserved.
Keyword: Acupressure; First stage of labor; Uterine contractio