IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 116,1 (2018)

The Biophysical Characteristics of Hatching Habitat of Lekang Turtle (Lepidhochelys olivacea) Eggs in Turtle Conservation and Education Center, Bali

Suryono, Ario R., Wibowo E., Handoyo G.


Lekang turtle (Lepidhochelys olivacea) is one of the fauna that is protected as an endangered population. This marine reptile was able to migrate in great distance along the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and South East Asia. Its existence has long been threatened, either by nature or human activities that endangered the population directly or indirectly. The decreasing number of sea turtle population that nest in Bali area is one indication of the reducing number of Lekang turtle in Indonesia. If left unchecked, it will result in the loss of Lekang turtle. This study aims to determine the successful percentage of conservation techniques and Lekang turtle hatching eggs (olive ridley sea turtle) in TCEC, Bali. The method used in this research is the method of observation or direct observation done in the field. Data collection is done by direct observation in the field. The results showed that the turtle breeding site is located in an area that is less strategic because too far from the sea, so that the temperature and humidity cannot be stable. Water content is most an important factor in the growth of embryo and egg hatching. This will lead to the decrease of hatching percentage of turtle eggs. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

Keyword: Hatching; Lekang turtle (Lepidhochelis olivacea); TCEC Bali


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