Bedono village service activities have been carried out starting in 2017 through the Dikti thematic KKN program and in 2018 through the IDBU program from UNDIP PNBP funds. In 2017 the POKDARWIS Pesona Mangrove institution was formed which became the forerunner to the development of tourism activities. Then IDBU 2019 has held a major mangrove planting event in Bedono Village, precisely in Morosari Hamlet. This activity was carried out by Dr. Dra. Wilis Ari Setyati MSi, Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, MSc, Ph.D, and Dr. Ir Sunaryo from the Faculty of Fisheries, Diponegoro University, also Arya Rezagama, S.T., M.T., from the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University. The event involved Bedono Village residents, POKDARWIS, government and the general public. Regent of Demak H.M. Natsir is very supportive of the activities carried out by assigning the Tourism Office to guide the Enchantment Mangrove POKDARWIS in tourism training.