Marine Science
Antonius Budi Susanto
Journal Publication
Field of Research : Marine Botany
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science
Dr. Drs. Antonius Budi Susanto, M.Sc.
Specific Graduation Research Theme :
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Journal Publication
Thallus variation of Sargassum polycystum from Central Java, Indonesia
Biodiversitas, vol: 18,3 (2017) Thallus variation of Sargassum polycystum from Central Java, Indonesia Widyartini D.S., Widodo P., Susanto A.B. Abstract Agardh has characteristic of highly polymorphic thalli among individuals in its population. The shape and size of...
Development of Quantitative Analysis Techniques for Saccharification Reactions Using Raman Spectroscopy
Applied Spectroscopy, vol: 72,11 (2018) Development of Quantitative Analysis Techniques for Saccharification Reactions Using Raman Spectroscopy Maharadika A., Andriana B.B., Susanto A.B., Matsuyoshi H., Sato H. Abstract A technique for the analysis of saccharification...
Effectiveness of Sargassum meal as feed additive on growth performance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
Aquaculture Science, vol: 66,1 (2018) Effectiveness of Sargassum meal as feed additive on growth performance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus Pratiwy F.M., Pratiwy F.M., Kohbara J., Susanto A.B. Abstract The present work was carried out to assess the effects of...
Characteristics of pigment extract of green seaweed (Ulva lactuca Linn) encapsulated by electrospun poly(vinyl)alcohol nanofiber
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 306,1 (2019) Characteristics of pigment extract of green seaweed (Ulva lactuca Linn) encapsulated by electrospun poly(vinyl)alcohol nanofiber Merdekawati W., Susanto A.B., Raharjo T.J., Triyana K.,...
Application of imaging Raman spectroscopy to study the distribution of Kappa carrageenan in the seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii
Journal of Applied Phycology, vol: 31,2 (2019) Application of imaging Raman spectroscopy to study the distribution of Kappa carrageenan in the seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii Mahardika A., Susanto A.B., Pramesti R., Matsuyoshi H., Andriana B.B., Matsuda Y., Sato H....
Multidrug-resistant antibacterial activity and active compound analysis several types of seaweed from Karimunjawa, Jepara
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 530,1 (2020) Multidrug-resistant antibacterial activity and active compound analysis several types of seaweed from Karimunjawa, Jepara Susanto A.B., Ari Setyati W., Pramesti R., Pringgenies D., Zainuddin M....
In vitro antibacterial study and spectral analysis of brown seaweed Sargassum crassifolium extract from Karimunjawa Islands, Jepara
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 530,1 (2020) In vitro antibacterial study and spectral analysis of brown seaweed Sargassum crassifolium extract from Karimunjawa Islands, Jepara Ari Setyati W., Pramesti R., Susanto A.B., Chrisna A.S.,...
Characteristics of bioactive compounds of Holothuria atra (Jaeger, 1833) associated bacteria
AACL Bioflux, vol: 13,4 (2020) Characteristics of bioactive compounds of Holothuria atra (Jaeger, 1833) associated bacteria Santosa G.W., Djunaedi A., Susanto A.B., Pringgenies D., Ariyanto D. Abstract Sea cucumbers have bioactive compounds with health benefits. These...
The Impact of IUU Fishing Policy (Moratorium License of Fishery Commerce) to the level of Employment of Maritime and Fishery Vocational Schools Graduates
E3S Web of Conferences, vol: 249, (2021) The Impact of IUU Fishing Policy (Moratorium License of Fishery Commerce) to the level of Employment of Maritime and Fishery Vocational Schools Graduates Susanto A.B. Abstract The limited capacity of human resources (HR) that...
Application of a consortium of bacterial symbionts, contained in the sea cucumbers stomach, as dietary adjuvant and its potential for marine cultivation
AACL Bioflux, vol: 14,4 (2021) Application of a consortium of bacterial symbionts, contained in the sea cucumbers stomach, as dietary adjuvant and its potential for marine cultivation Djunaedi A., Santosa G.W., Susanto A.B., Pringgenies D., Ariyanto D. Abstract The...
Having determination, unshakable, filled with knowledge, so that he is absolutely sure that what he is doing is right and good.
– Ki Hajar Dewantara
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