Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol: 15, (2019)

Isolation and biosynthesis of an unsaturated fatty acid with unusual methylation pattern from a coral-associated bacterium Microbulbifer sp.

Sharma A.R., Harunari E., Zhou T., Trianto A., Igarashi Y.


(2Z,4E)-3-Methyl-2,4-decadienoic acid (1) was identified as a major metabolite from a culture extract of a marine bacterium Microbulbifer which was collected from a stony coral Porites sp. NMR-based spectroscopic analysis revealed that 1 is an unsaturated fatty acid in which a methyl group is located in an uncommon position as a natural product. Feeding experiments of 13Clabeled precursors clarified that λ-methionine-derived methylation takes place at the carbon which is derived from the carbonyl carbon of acetate. Compound 1 showed weak growth inhibition against Saccharomyces cerevisiae. © 2019 Sharma et al.; licensee Beilstein-Institut. License and terms: see end of document.

Keyword: Biosynthesis; Fatty acid; Marine bacteria; Methylation; Microbulbifer


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