Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol: 1943,1 (2021)

Information system for diagnosis in pregnant chronic energy deficiency using a rule based system algorithm

Sustamy R.P., Widyawati M.N., Suryono S.


The condition of Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) has become one of the causes of high maternal mortality. Improper handling of CED will have an impact on the health problems of both mother and baby. This is because when the diagnosis is still using conventional methods, so it takes a long time or is not time efficient, an alternative is needed to improve the quality of information system-based services in diagnosing mothers with CED. In this research, an information system design was carried out using the SDLC (System Development Life Cylce) method with the waterfall model which includes: needs analysis, design, implementation, and offer. Analysis of speed data using respondents 15 chronic energy deficiency pregnant and static test using Mann Whitney obtained p-value 0.000 p <0.05, meaning that the information system built has a significant effect on the difference in speed in making diagnoses. This information system can be applied in health facilities. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.



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