IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 674,1 (2021)

Identification of Caridae Cryptic organism (Crustacea) on the Pocillopora dead coral in Sabang, Aceh

Ulfah M., Fadhlurrahman, Devira C.N., Kurnianda V., Nurfadillah N., Mellisa S., Sembiring A., Kurniasih E.M., Ambariyanto, Meyer C., Muiari


Research on the composition of Caridea cryptic organisms (crustasea) on dead corals of pocillopora in Sabang waters has been conducted on January 2017. The purpose of this study was to identify the composition of Caridea cryptic organisms – found in dead coral Pocillopora. The location of research was decided by purposive sampling methods. The results showed that they were three families (Alpheidae, Hippolythidae, and Palaemonidae) were found at each station. Total number of individuals found as many as 109 individuals scattered into 3 stations. The most abundant families were from Alpheidae family with a total of 79 individuals while the fewest families found were Palaemonidae with a total of 11 individuals. The largest value of dead coral volume was found at Seulako island station which was 3.2 liter as the highest abundance of Caridae organisms (41 individuals). On the other hand, the station of Sumur Tiga was found the smallest coral volume of the two other stations of 1.2 liter with the lowest abundance of Caridea organisms 33 individuals. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.



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