International Journal of Conservation Science, vol: 9,4 (2018)

Early assessment of the organochlorine pesticides pollution of coral reefs ecosystem along Jepara coastal waters, Java Sea

Sabdono A., Radjasa O.K.


The contamination of seawater, sediments and coral tissues by organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) have presumed serious problems due to their persistence and toxicity. The research objectives were to determine the pesticide usage, occurrence, and toxicity of OCPs on Jepara coast. A questioner observation was used to inventory the types of pesticides used. Gas Chromatography equipped with Flame Photometric Detector (FID) detector was used to analyze selected pesticide concentrations of samples. The acute chronic exposure was used to investigate the toxicity effect of organochlorine on corals. The findings survey showed that farmers were most commonly using Gramoxone in the Jepara coastal regions, followed by Carbamate, Sevin, Converse, and Dupont. The farmers used no more OCPs.The pesticide analyses showed that the detected compounds in the coral samples were Lindane (?-BHC) and Endrine with the range concentrations from < nd to 0.011 and from < nd to 0.15mg·g -1 , respectively. There were no organochlorine compounds determined in the water and sediment samples. The toxicity study showed that corals stressed and dead after 24h organochlorine exposure. The OCPs could kill corals in low concentration in the brief exposure. While small amounts of a contaminant organochlorines can still lead to detectable in Jepara coastal waters. © 2018 Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi.

Keyword: Coral reefs; Java Sea; Jepara; Organochlorine; Pesticides


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