by Admin_IK | Oct 28, 2021 | 2019,Retno Hartati,en
Ecology, Environment and Conservation, vol: 25, (2019) Initial assessment of Holothuria atra in Panjang island, Jepara, Indonesia Hartati R., Zainuri M., Ambariyanto A., Ayodya F.P., Widianingsih W., Mustagpirin M., Soegianto A. Abstract As key components in marine... by Admin_IK | Oct 28, 2021 | 2019,Retno Hartati,en
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) The Concentration of Chlorophyll-C in the Bottom Sediment of Sea Cucumber Rearing Cage Hartati R., Ambariyanto A., Zainuri M., Widianingsih W., Supriyo E., Trianto A. Abstract The total... by Admin_IK | Oct 28, 2021 | 2019,Retno Hartati,en
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 246,1 (2019) Morphological Ossicles of Sea Cucumber Paracaudina australis from Kenjeran Waters, Surabaya, Indonesia Widianingsih W., Hartati R., Zainuri M., Anggoro S., Kusumaningrum H.P., Mahendrajaya R.T.... by Admin_IK | Oct 28, 2021 | 2019,Retno Hartati,en
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 236,1 (2019) Diversity species and condition of seagrass ecosystem in Teluk Awur and Prawean Jepara Riniatsih I., Ambariyanto A., Yudiati E., Hartati R., Widianingsih W., Mahendrajaya R.T. Abstract Seagrass...