by Admin_IK | Oct 28, 2021 | 2020,Rini Pramesti,en
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 530,1 (2020) In vitro antibacterial study and spectral analysis of brown seaweed Sargassum crassifolium extract from Karimunjawa Islands, Jepara Ari Setyati W., Pramesti R., Susanto A.B., Chrisna A.S.,... by Admin_IK | Oct 28, 2021 | 2020,Rini Pramesti,en
AIMS Environmental Science, vol: 7,4 (2020) Investigation of extra-cellular protease in indigenous bacteria of sea cucumbers as a candidate for bio-detergent material in bio-industry Pringgenies D., Setyati W.A., Soenardjo N., Pramesti R. Abstract This research aims... by Admin_IK | Oct 28, 2021 | 2020,Rini Pramesti,en
AACL Bioflux, vol: 13,1 (2020) Ecological study and preliminary culture of the sponge Candidaspongia a source of anticancer molecules Trianto A., Ambariyanto, Sarjito, Pramesti R., Soenarjo N., Hartati R., Taufiq-Spj N., Endrawati H., Destio, Yusidarta I. Abstract... by Admin_IK | Oct 28, 2021 | 2019,Rini Pramesti,en
Research Journal of Biotechnology, vol: 14,10 (2019) Optimization Production of Antifungal Substance from a Sponge-associated Trichoderma harzianum cultivated in the Tofu Dregs and Rice Bran Trianto A., Sabdono A., Radjasa O.K., Pramesti R., Putrajaya N.T.S., Bahry... by Admin_IK | Oct 28, 2021 | 2019,Rini Pramesti,en
Journal of Applied Phycology, vol: 31,2 (2019) Application of imaging Raman spectroscopy to study the distribution of Kappa carrageenan in the seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii Mahardika A., Susanto A.B., Pramesti R., Matsuyoshi H., Andriana B.B., Matsuda Y., Sato H....