IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol: 55,1 (2017)

Achieving Research University: Indonesian Case

Utama Y.J., Ambariyanto


Today many universities have the vision to become a research university, including in Indonesia. It is based on the desire to play a role in advancing science for the benefit of humanity as well as to enhance the university reputation at the international level. However, in the case of Indonesia, it can only be done by several universities, given the large number of universities with very different capabilities. In addition, another problem is human resources, infrastructure, and research funding. Various targets indicator used to determine its success include the number of publications, patents and industrial products. There is an urgent need to improve all factors that can accelerate the increase in research in Indonesia universities, and has been started by the policy of the current government. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

Keyword: government policy; Indonesia; research university


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